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TMA bike icon

Bicycle Incentive Programs

Bicycle Parking – Lockers and Racks

The TMA will provide a covered bicycle locker or bicycle rack to those who bicycle commute to McClellan Park on a regular basis.

Love to Ride / McClellan Park

Register at

Bike Trip Planner and Bicycling Routes to McClellan Park

Thanks to the ever growing number of bicycling commuters to McClellan Park, cyclists are sharing the route that makes their commute easier and more enjoyable. Click here for some of the shared routes.

Office Bike Program

Could you use a bike for errands, exercise breaks, or going to lunch? The TMA Office Bike Program provides FREE bikes and locks to McClellan Park employees for 3 hours.

Participants must:

  • Visit the TMA office and sign a waiver form (see downloadable forms)
  • Check out a bike lock key
  • Make sure bike tires are fully inflated (pump is available in lobby closet)
  • Watch these two short videos before checking out a bike: Bicycle Safety Tips for Adults & Using a U-Lock

Bicycle Map

TMA Bicycle Map

NHTSA Bicycle Safety Tips For Adults

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