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Carpool/Vanpool Incentive Program

Ridesharing has many benefits, including reducing stress, saving money, riding in carpool lanes and expenses and allowing you more time to be productive while being a passenger.

Ridematching Services

Contact the TMA for information on finding a rideshare partner. Visit Sac Region 511 at for online ridematching in the region.

Preferential Parking Spaces

The TMA will arrange, with pre-approval from property managers, for a preferential parking space striped at your place of business. Carpool/vanpool parking permits are available at the TMA office. Download the Carpool Registration Form (2014) and Permit Policy Guidelines for more information or contact the TMA.

Vanpool Subsidy

The TMA will provide a $65 per rider subsidy each month for vanpool participants. Vanpools are formed with six or more riders. Vanpool leases are between Enterprise Rideshare and the vanpool. Download the Vanpool Subsidy Program information or contact the TMA.

Commute with Enterprise logo

McClellan Park TMA and Commute with Enterprise have partnered to provide vanpool options to commuters working in McClellan Business Park. You can learn more about the program here.

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