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Lyft & Uber

Use Lyft to Commute for Free!

McClellan Park TMA offers free Lyft rides to McClellan Park transit riders from their last transit stop to their workplace.

Make your commute to McClellan Park easier by using Lyft to complete your daily transit trip. With a simple tap on your phone a driver will pick you up at your last transit stop and take you to your McClellan Park destination. What could be easier? Just download and submit the registration form here to take advantage of this program offered by the McClellan Park TMA.

Once you’ve completed the form, please email

Advantages of using the Lyft program:

  • Complete your “last transit mile” easily
  • Allows commuters flexible options when traveling to and from McClellan Park with TMA subsidies for both the monthly transit passes and your Lyft rides

Take Advantage Now